Lastest News

The 2023 CELC global conference will be held in Seoul Korea from June 6-8, 2023. This is the first time since before 2019 that this conference has been held. We are thankful to God to meet with our brothers and sisters in the faith from all over the world! ...

Thank you to all the faculty, staff, and students who made this semester an amazing experience! We are so blessed to have this partnership in the Gospel as we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of God’s Word and have the honor of leading his people to know him more deeply....

The ALS Governing Board has approved an exciting expansion of ALS – the Regional Theological Education Program (RTEP). Under the leadership of new ALS professor, Guy Marquardt, the RTEP will become a branch of ALS which coordinates visiting instructors, curriculum materials, consultation, and other assistance to training programs throughout Asia. ...

Professor Emeritus Dr. Thompson led a trip to Greece to visit the ancient sites of the churches the apostle Paul planted. The trip offered amazing perspective and insights into the world the Holy Spirit led Paul to preach in. ...

On May 19, Dr. Thompson will give a lecture on his research about Rome, the roads that led to that ancient city, and the fascinating artifacts remaining there from the early Christians. Click here for more information!...

ALS Professor, Dr. Doebler and Executive Administrator Irene Ng join SALEM President, Rev. Titus Tse and others in New Zealand to explore the opportunity of supporting Hong Kong Christians in Auckland. May God bless our Hong Kong brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world!...

ALS met with ministry partners in Asia to plan for future endeavors in mission and theological education. As the Kingdom of God expands, he continues to bless us with opportunities to serve him and his people!...

ALS President-elect, Dr. Jon Bare and family have arrived in Asia to begin the process of presidential transition. We are happy to see Dr. Bare and his family have arrived! Welcome Bare family and God bless you all!...

We welcome Edwin Mak as the new ALS librarian and wish him God’s richest blessings in this role! The public is welcomed to come see Edwin and enjoy the library during opening hours!...

Fresh start. Turning a new page. Switching directions. We hold out so much hope for life during this time of the year, that things will change and improve. We here at ALS hope that God will answer all your prayers. The fact is though, that what matters most about life has already been changed and improved. You have been made perfect through the work of Christ. Your hope rests in that unchangeable fact. ...