Hong Kong Programs

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

Candidates for the M.Div. degree are normally required to establish proficiency in biblical exegesis in both Hebrew and Greek. ALS offers complete language training as well as numerous exegetical courses in both biblical languages.

The M.Div. degree requires the ability to do exegesis in one of the biblical languages and the writing of an approved thesis in addition to the other program requirements.


  1. A secondary school diploma is required.
  2. A B.Th. degree or equivalent previous coursework in Christian theology is required of all applicants to ALS masters programs. If a student does not have this background, they will be encouraged to first complete the ALS B.Th. program. The M.A.R. degree is not required for enrollment in the M.Div. program.
  3. A recommendation from the student’s pastor is required.
  4. Students must be able to follow classes in English or Cantonese.
  5. Students normally will be members of a local congregation, and all who attend classes must demonstrate respect for the Lutheran character of the school. Students are to maintain good Christian character while enrolled. Admission requires character befitting of a person who aspires for public ministry as outlined in 2 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
  6. Admission will be granted upon approval of the ALS president after consultation with the ALS Academic Dean and faculty.

Program of Study

A M.Div. degree from ALS certifies that a student has a well-rounded biblical and theological education, as well as being prepared to serve as a full-time church worker. Therefore, a balance is required between courses in the various disciplines, while the student still has additional electives which allow him to follow his interests and gifts.

Required Courses

If they have not been taken in an earlier degree program, RES-101 and RES 102 are required courses for all M.Div. students and should be taken as early as possible in the program. BIB-101, 102, 103 and 104 are also required of all M.Div. candidates.


RES-101Theological Research
RES-102Theological Writing
BIB-101Hermeneutics – Canon History
BIB-102Hermeneutics – Historical and Grammatical Interpretation
BIB-103Hermeneutics – History of Bible Interpretation
BIB-104Hermeneutics – Textual Criticism