


星期一 – 星期五:

10:00 – 19:00


星期六, 星期日 & 公众假期:




亚洲路德宗神学院图书馆是一所基督教神学资源中心,建立于2008年。馆内主要收藏中、英文神学、哲学及路德宗派书籍及资料。此外亦设有多种神学软件, 如Logos 及 EBSCO作学术研究。本院为所有学生提供图书证以使用各项资源。非本院学生也欢迎莅临图书馆阅读书籍及使用电子资源。如对图书馆服务有任何查询,可于办公时间与本馆职员联络,电话 (852) 2190 6216 电邮 library@als.org.hk


Forward in Christ


WELS Historical Institute Journal
  • https://welshistoricalinstitute.org/
    – Articles of historical interest about the Lutheran Church with special reference to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, stimulates WELS members to pursue research in Lutheran history, to understand WELS identity and background.


Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Essay File


Lutheran Synod Quarterly


Lutheran Theology: An Online Journal



  • https://www.1517.org/
    – Christian doctrine, apologetics, cultural, and preaching resources, include articles, series, videos, podcast network, and free online courses.


Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology


Christian Classics Ethereal Library


Christianity Today


Denver Journal: An Online Review of Current Biblical and Theological Studies


Journal of the Adventist Theological Society
  • http://www.atsjats.org/
    – Articles of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission, to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies.


Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society


McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry


Open Access digital Theological Library


Reformation 21


Religion Online


SBL Annual meeting seminar papers and website


The Theologian – the Internet journal for integrated theology