Author: admin

Notice the difference in the reaction of the same people to Jesus, and all in a matter of a few minutes. In verse 22, “all spoke well of him…” In verse 28, “All…were furious when they heard this.” In fact (vs. 29), they tried to kill him. What had Jesus said that so changed their demeanor? Using the words of the Bible, Jesus told the people that he was the Messiah (the Savior) promised by God for his people, Israel. Further, he pointed out that when Israel did not receive God’s plan of salvation for them in Old Testament times, God sent the message to foreigners....

ALS met with ministry partners in Asia to plan for future endeavors in mission and theological education. As the Kingdom of God expands, he continues to bless us with opportunities to serve him and his people!...

There are places and people you enjoy that you want to stay forever. Maybe it is a special family vacation or coffee with a close friend that are so perfect you wish that the moment could last forever. ...

It is fun to watch little children explore and discover their world. As they are having fun at a park, they venture further away from mom or dad. They run up ahead as they begin to gain confidence. Children will push the boundaries and grow bolder. They will do all of this until finally, something scares them; a loud noise or a scary-looking dog, and suddenly those children come running back wanting to know, “Is it all going to be okay?”...

ALS President-elect, Dr. Jon Bare and family have arrived in Asia to begin the process of presidential transition. We are happy to see Dr. Bare and his family have arrived! Welcome Bare family and God bless you all!...

This is one of the most striking incidents recorded in the Bible. The prophet Isaiah saw the Lord high and exalted, surrounded by angels and seated on his throne. He was overwhelmed by his sin. He was convinced that he was ruined....

Of all the words you could pick to describe Christianity, would “inclusive” be one of them? Many people would say, “No, Christianity is too exclusive.” But does the Bible passage you just read sound discriminatory?...

Waiting for the perfect time is what Jesus did throughout his ministry. It didn’t make any difference what the situation was. He waited for exactly the right moment so that everything was done right and according to God’s saving plan....

Eat your vegetables! You can probably hear echoes of your mother giving you that advice. Maybe you have even spoken those words to your own children. It’s important that children eat the right kinds of foods so that they will be healthy and grow up to be strong. If left to themselves, children would try to survive on a diet of candy and soda. That might work for a little while, but such an unhealthy diet would soon make them weak and sick....

We welcome Edwin Mak as the new ALS librarian and wish him God’s richest blessings in this role! The public is welcomed to come see Edwin and enjoy the library during opening hours!...