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為什麼耶穌睡著了?耶穌難道不害怕嗎?為什麼耶穌對待這麼恐懼的風浪,他能夠如此的平靜呢?答案 肯定是:他能夠掌控局面。人們因為失控而慌亂,因為無法改變這個讓自己恐懼的難題而焦慮。...

一個病人去看病,想病能痊癒,首先,他不能隱瞞自己的病情,如實的說出來;其次,他需要相信醫 生有能力治療他的病;最後,無論醫生給他的開藥,還是要求他做手術,他都必須順服。如若不然, 醫生治不了他的病,也只能無奈的看著這個病人受苦、甚至直到死亡。...

Professor Emeritus Dr. Thompson led a trip to Greece to visit the ancient sites of the churches the apostle Paul planted. The trip offered amazing perspective and insights into the world the Holy Spirit led Paul to preach in. ...

“Nonsense.” That’s what the apostles thought. They couldn’t believe the testimony of the women who had been to Jesus’ tomb. The stone rolled away. The tomb empty. An angel proclaiming Jesus has risen. Utter nonsense! The evidence, however, told a different story. Eventually, every detail Peter saw at the tomb supported the women’s earlier witness....

The Bible teaches a rather uncomfortable truth. It says that you and I are sinners. On this side of heaven, we’ll continue to struggle with our sinful flesh. It’s a given. But with the Holy Spirit’s power, we are daily called to engage in a holy battle. And with his help, we will be victorious. ...

When we face something particularly challenging—maybe even something painful—it may be that someone alongside us will offer us some encouragement by saying, “Come on, now. It’s mind over matter.” What they mean, of course, is that we need to block out the thoughts of any immediate difficulty or pain that we might experience. Instead, we need to set our sights on the reward we will receive when it’s all said and done. It’s a matter of focus, mind over matter. ...

On May 19, Dr. Thompson will give a lecture on his research about Rome, the roads that led to that ancient city, and the fascinating artifacts remaining there from the early Christians. Click here for more information!...

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses appeared to be insecure and unsure of himself. He openly questioned God’s choice in sending him. But, perhaps rather than saying Moses was insecure, it is more accurate to say that Moses’ security rested in the wrong place. Moses held on tightly to the security that he believed resided with his shepherd’s crook and fuzzy flock, security that he had trouble envisioning in his new calling. After all, it would take tremendous courage to confront Pharaoh. His physical well-being might be in danger. He had certainly become a very public figure with a very sizable target on his back. If he saw greater security in the fields, one can hardly fault his thinking. ...

Patrick would have had good reason to curse the Irish. Born in Scotland, he was raised as a Christian but was not very serious about his faith. He was kidnapped at the age of sixteen and enslaved in Ireland. He did hard labor for six years and got much more serious about his faith. Finally, he escaped, made his way to the coast, got a job on a ship, and returned to Scotland....

ALS Professor, Dr. Doebler and Executive Administrator Irene Ng join SALEM President, Rev. Titus Tse and others in New Zealand to explore the opportunity of supporting Hong Kong Christians in Auckland. May God bless our Hong Kong brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world!...