Author: admin

ALS and SALEM are holding a special Reformation Worship Service at ALS on October 31st at 8:00pm to celebrate how God blessed the Church through the events of the Protestant Reformation over 500 years ago. We welcome you to join us on this special occasion!...

A recent survey indicated the number one reason people stop going to church is that they hold a grudge. They disagree with something someone said or did and can’t bring themselves to resolve the problem, so they simply stay away from it. ...

Matthew, the apostle and evangelist, knew all about debts. Before he became a disciple of Jesus, he had been a tax collector—responsible for collecting money from people in Israel on behalf of the occupying Roman government. He would have kept track of income and debts for people from all levels of society and would have been aware of how people got into trouble with difficulty paying off their debts....

In Uzbekistan in September, Dr. Glen Thompson and Dr. Angus K.F. Cheung gave a research paper presentation, "The Ten Vows" in the Book of the Lord Messiah (序聽迷詩訶經) and Possible Local Adaptation" at the 7th Salzburg International Conference. This research explores the similarities between the "Ten Vows" in the Jingjiao manuscript and the "Ten Commandments" in the Old Testament, which indicates a knowledge of the Bible in the Tang Dynasty. ...

It is a natural impulse in us all to look down on those we think dumber than we are and to take advantage of those weaker than we are. We fawn over the beautiful, rich, and powerful and despise losers....

Because these verses are just a summary of two battles between the Israelites and the Philistines, it’s easy to miss the subtle, poetic contrast here. Notice—the Philistine soldiers had to carry their gods with them into battle, lifeless idols of wood and stone that had to be faced in the direction of the fighting to “support” their men. Then the soldiers had to lug their gods back to camp. By contrast, the LORD went before the Israelite army to rout their enemies. They didn’t lug their God along; they followed his mighty train and merely mopped up the detritus left by fleeing soldiers. ...

Early one morning I was groaning under an anvil of anxiety. Though gazing directly at the brightening horizon, I was blind to the brushstrokes of glory that God was layering in the heavens. I suddenly experienced an irrational fear that the sun would not rise. It was ludicrous, and yet it was very real to me in that moment. ...

New Regional Theological Education Program (RTEP) Director Guy Marquardt had the opportunity to visit leaders of the Indonesian church recently. Moving forward, ALS and their seminary faculty will work together to strengthen the practical experience given to their students. ...